Каталог товарів
Каталог товарів

Ethernet коммуникатор SPG804

Код товара: 17745
3 164
Оцінка покупців: 0 голосів 0.00Голосувати

24hours constant two way supervision with IP monitoring station 128bit AES encryption Two server IP address programmable 5 way security communication: TCPIP, GPRS, MODEM, SMS , PSTN -PSTN backup possibility (If LAN, GSM fails than connected security ...

Детальний опис
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  • Детальний опис
24hours constant two way supervision with IP monitoring station
128bit AES encryption
Two server IP address programmable
5 way security communication: TCPIP, GPRS, MODEM, SMS , PSTN
-PSTN backup possibility (If LAN, GSM fails than connected security panel could dial out on normal tel line) also for up and downloading existing control panels
Modem data call (If LAN, GPRS can not get through, it can use GSM data services)
Compatible with all existing communicatior security intruder control panels (DTMF CID, 4/2)
On board zones and outputs could be used as expander module of any control panel, connected to it.
Expansion with 32 RF devices (Inovonics 868MHz wireless *)
Fully functional stand alone control panel by itself with 8 hardwire, 32 RF zones
E-mail sending
Automatic SMS sending
SMS commanding
Full alarm features with several input types (Follower, immediate, 24h, tamper, technical, stay .)
Stay and Away mode arming
4 programmable output (open collector)
Outputs could be triggered remotely by any internet browser, or
Web programmable , no need for special modem or installed programming software.
Remotely accessible web diagnostics
4 user web access on adjustable authority level
8 IP Camera contro (Start, Stop recording in the cam own memory, Send to FTP server functions)
Telephone handset could be connected to the PHONE connector to initiate and receive phone calls through GSM voice.
Remote firmware upgradable
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